I looked up the author Deanna Mascle and I read different things about her and I found out facts that I didn’t even know anything about. I read and found out that she is a professional writer and she is a educator. I also have seen that she educates many people like students, teachers and etc. I really didn’t know much about the author, but while I was reading the articles it shows that she is very inspirational towards students and teachers. Her work is very much dedicated to students and teachers that read her writings and articles.
I also annotated my article by highlighting and underlining key points and areas I feel that is very important. I usually like to write and highlight things, that will help be understand much better and some things that I don’t understand it helps me to remember to do research on it and also reminds me things to reread and helps me understand key points I may have missed. I ran across a word while reading and seen a word that I didn’t realize what it meant “discourse community” I read on and found out the definition is a group of people who share and speak the same languages in many different ways by religion, sports, activity’s and many other things. By me understanding this definition it help me understand different points I ran across coming up in the passage.
I discussed my paper with one of TRIOs advisors and they see the definition in a different way than I did. We both discussed our differences and she began to understand the true meaning of the definition and we eventually understood it in the same way. We began discussing many different ways of a discourse community and began to talk about how religion is very big in that category
The main idea that the author is trying to prove is that she is trying to move from one group of people to another by expanding her knowledge in many different ways for people to understand it in an easy way of where she is coming from. She talked about how we are very discourse people and we connect in it in so many ways especially in social groups we communicate in are called communities. In we usually don’t realize that in our everyday lives in sports and in clubs and churches. If you understand what a discourse community you will rise in you writing and become much stronger and better with in your writing and you will rise. I feel that she did a great job on her response and proving her point about us to understand discourse writing by describing the ways and it defining it and breaking it down in a way of understanding.
I personally became very much interested in her and this article a lot it made me look at writing much differently. I became very much more interested in her and start to understand writing much better and how she was using discourse community’s in the article and how she was trying to prove the point of how using it during writing will improve our essays and any type of writings. It shows us what kind of community we live in and shows how we use it in everyday life in ways that we didn’t even know and understand. We use many different languages and signals in our work places and everyday lives. This showed me to understand it much better and now I can use this to improve my essays and any other writings I do.