Table of Contents 1 History of Entrepreneurship 3 Characteristics and skills of an Entrepreneur 4 Ambition 4 Creativity 4 Enthusiasm 4 Decision-making 5 Perseverance 5 Skills 5 Communication Skills: 5 Marketing Skills 6 Leadership Skills: 6 Team Building Skills 6 Mary Ann O’Brien 8 Tony Ryan 8 Darina Allen 9 Conclusion 9
An Entrepreneur is someone who exercises initiative by organising a venture to take benefit of an opportunity and, as the decision maker, decides what, how, and how much of a good or service will be produced. An entrepreneur supplies risk capital as a risk taker, and monitors and controls the business activities. The entrepreneur is usually a sole proprietor, a partner, or the one who owns the majority of shares in an incorporated venture. (BusinessDictionary, 2010)
An entrepreneur is a specific job. He has to have skills, knowledge’s in some general areas such accounting, finance, marketing and human resources. An Entrepreneur starts and organises an enterprise in order to meet consumers’ needs and wants. Entrepreneurs are highly motivated & independent people who like challenges but dislike conforming the bureaucratic rules
To become an entrepreneur one has to assume the risk of a business or enterprise and organize and manage it so that it gives the return on the capital employed. An entrepreneur does not have to arrange capital as this could be beyond your expertise. However, successful entrepreneurs of the past have been able to convince the financiers or venture capitalists that their idea and business practices are sound and that they in partnership, proper returns on the money invested can be gained.
History of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship first took off when production levels exceeded local consumption and people were left with surpluses of the things they produced, whether in the form of agricultural produce, dairy products, livestock and quite a few