Module Assignment
This document is a Microsoft Word template designed to help you complete your assignment, please use it alongside the full assignment guidelines which can be accessed from the Download button at the top right of your module content screens.
Remember you need to save this template to your computer in order to be able to complete the assignment on the template and then submit the work by email.
|Date |10th October 2010 |
|Name |David Harding |
|Email address | |
|Cohort |September 2010 |
|Topic |The Irish Republican Army |
|Total Pages |Nine |
Please note completed assignments should be emailed to: Assignment Topic
The table below displays the assignment topic in brief.
|Assignment |Description |Assignment Outcome |
|Write a Profile of a Terrorist |You will write a profile of any one of the |This assignment will help you to understand |
|Group |terrorist groups provided as options. |what factual details to study, to analyse the |
| |