America is known for its vision of the future. Many immigrants come to America hoping to find the "American Dream." The "American Dream" is "the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative." (Wikipedia). With this concept, many people will never achieve this goal because of the government's corruption. The corruption of America, carried out by politicians, involves gifts/bribes from wealthy businessmen to persuade government policies towards legislation that would be beneficial only to those businesses. Laws the politicians create are sadly paid for by the …show more content…
Favorable tax laws to the richest people of our nation place the burden of our taxes unfairly upon the middle class and deny money that could be spent on helping the poor. We have seen many protests in recent years for the unjust taxes paid by the wealthiest of Americans and how the money could be better used by the other 99%. Until politicians decide that the money that pads their campaigns is crippling our nation, the injustice will continue and prosperity for many will be