When a group of British school boys land on a deserted island someone has to step up and lead. A leader should have many noble traits. In the book Ralph is elected leader, in the beginning he was not much of a standout but later in the book we found Ralph has great leadership skills: he tries to keep the peace, was stern when he needed to be, and held everyone accountable for their work.…
1. The one belief that unites all Christians is the belief in Jesus Christ. Christians believe that the only way to achieve salvation is to believe that Jesus died and rose again in order to save humanity from its sins.…
Everything is one mind or one spirit, and they don’t mean that it is a human mind or spirit. It is one god and we are all a part of this god.…
Christian Worldview Integration is essential to one’s life in general and therefore, this Christian Worldview is important to life coaching. But, it is with caution that a coach introduces the Christian aspect into the coaching sessions. Life Coaching is about the client and their needs, not, the coach’s personal beliefs, but, as a Christian it is necessary if possible to consider the client’s whole life, including their religious belief system. Society, culture, belief system and religion itself is each an obstacle or barrier if the client is not a Christian. There are also times when a coach will be confronted with a Christian, that is losing faith or question their faith, this is also a difficult situation. It is important to develop a…
A worldview is how someone sees life, reasons for making decision, and the filter they use to understand life and everything in it (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011). Knowing what a worldview is makes it easier to understand what a Christian Worldview is. A Christian Worldview uses the Bible as its filter for understanding the world around us and how we should act. Paul addresses a lot of perspectives of the Christian Worldview in his letter to the Romans. Paul touches on the Christian worldview in the areas of the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture.…
Science was not discovered until the late 1500s when Galileo decided to challenge Aristotle‘s findings. During the Biblical days, research design and program evaluation were used by important people; however, they did not refer to them by the same names. From Genesis to Revelations, there are examples where people used scientific evidence to solve problems and study ideas. In this paper, the researcher will demonstrate some of these important people in the Bible and how they used different research designs and program evaluations to solve problems.…
The main idea of utilitarianism (U) is to create ‘the greatest pleasure for the greatest number of people’. This is similar to Christianity and the golden rule ‘love your neighbour as yourself’. With situation ethics, in a dilemma you should always do the most loving and compassionate thing. However in contrast to the utilitarian idea that you should try and greatest happiness for the most people, Christian ethics would look at everyone in an equal manner, as everyone was made ‘in the image of God’. It says in the bible that God is personal and loving and therefore looks after the vulnerable, whereas utilitarian’s would have to ignore the minority for their theory to work.…
The scientific method is a tool that enables a person to seek out new knowledge, or correct and integrate new knowledge. It is composed of eight individual steps: which start out with defining a question, gathering information and resources, form an explanatory hypothesis, test the hypothesis by performing an experiment and collecting data in a reproducible manner, analyze the data, interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis, publish results, and ends with a retest. The steps can be grouped into four different essential elements: operation, observation, model, and utility function.…
The Christian worldview provides some essential elements that need to be understood, in order for this worldview to be accepted. These elements consist of God, humanity, Jesus, and being able to analyze what you understand about these elements. In this essay I will help you understand who God is and some of some of his characteristics. I will also let you know who Jesus is and why he died for the sins of the world. I will tell you why God created humanity, and the Christian worldview purpose is for humanity. God’s ultimate plan in the Christian worldview is restoration. I will explain why restoration is necessary in the Christian worldview, the solution to the human problem and what role grace and faith play in this worldview. Then I will analyze some benefits or strengths of Christian belief, what I find confusing about this worldview and how Christianity can influence a person’s thinking and behavior. I will also provide my opinion of the Christian worldview by letting you know my belief, and how I live my life according to my beliefs.…
A worldview is the lens in which one interprets the world around them. It is the framework in which someone operates to form their actions, thoughts and opinions. One’s worldview impacts the way they view “life’s most important questions,” (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p. 51).…
Over the last seventeen centuries, Christianity has focused on Jesus as the Messiah, the Savior of us all, who was born to save us, and died cruelly on the cross to save us. There is another interpretation of the meaning of his life as well. . In addition, it has been widely believed in organized Christianity that Jesus' death on the cross was ordained by God as a means of saving humankind, but this belief only grew through the teachings of Paul. Too many today, Jesus is seen as a prophet, from the long line of Jewish prophets, going back to Samuel in King David's time.…
For example, having money is something that we all desire. Grudem clarifies that “while the love of money is evil, money itself is not inherently good or evil. Money is nothing more than a medium of exchange. Money provides people the opportunity to purchase something in God 's creation. In order to accurately and biblically take hold of this opportunity, one must begin with the foundation that nothing is owned unconditionally, but is simply given out by a benevolent God. Once realizing nothing is totally owned, only given by God, one sees that God is incomprehensibly wealthy and that having money is not…
Competing worldviews are breaking out everywhere especially throughout North America. Two sides with vastly differing and incompatible worldviews are being locked in a bitter conflict that permeates every level of society. On one side of the battle is the Christian worldview, and on the other is the Humanist worldview divided into three branches: Secular Humanism, Marxism/Leninism, and Cosmic Humanism. It’s in this essay that we will seek to understand all of the three Humanist worldviews while presenting a strong, honest, truthful, intelligent defense of Biblical Christianity. As believers in and followers of Jesus Christ, we need to consider how our commitment to Him affects not just our political and ethical convictions, but also the way…
The third criterion by which worldviews should be evaluated is coherence. A worldview is not genuine unless it has clarity. Any worldview needs to be clear on what it is representing. For instance, a Christian worldview has solid lucidity. We believe in One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism, this is crystal clear.…
Unitarianism is a new religion with a very clear message, faith through whatever medium still reaches the source. One person who worships may use old rituals to worship, while another takes a very liberal from of worship, the belief is that your faith is what matters, not by what name you call God. It is the epitome of religious pluralism. Conversations with a local minister of the People 's Unitarian Universalis Rev. Marlene Walker. She has been the pastor of the Cedar Rapids church since 2003. In a conversation many questions were asked about this unique and diverse religion that empowers it 's congregations to teach and grow how they see fit.…