We all know that finding the right job that meets your financial goals can be competitive because there are so many people that have the same educational achievements, and work experiences that you may have. This would lead some to fabricate different things in their own resume hoping to obtain the position over the other candidates. The pressure to be the best candidate for the position can lead to people to add to their resume in ways that are untrue. The person writing their resume will justify themselves by saying that they need or deserve the job. However, this is an unfair advantage that the person is receiving and the other applicants will be cheated out of a fair playing field.
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Lying to cover employment gaps may get you the job, but it could ultimately lose you the job also. When asked to perform the task you say you can do or when asked about your opinion about it based on your previous experience, employers will know that your level of experience does not match what you put in your resume or application. Losing a job for lying on an application and resume will cause you hardships when trying to find other employment later. So, being truthful should be the only way to go when developing your resume so that you can put the best you