The use of technology is what has connected us as a world …show more content…
Using sites like these, it is also possible to form friendships with people who do not speak the same language as you. The brain is extremely malleable, and can learn languages using the tools the internet provides. Even without knowing different languages, Google Translate can help cross the language barrier. I use this online translation tool the most, especially on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Technology has become essential in our lives today as it has made the world seem smaller than it has ever been, and therefore more accessible than ever before. Along with aiding our communication, the internet also offers a multitude of learning …show more content…
As even Carr acknowledges, “Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes. A few Google searches, some quick clicks on hyperlinks, and I’ve got the telltale fact or pithy quote I was after”(Carr 2). The internet can be used to find almost any answer through media platforms. As part of our evolution as a species, we used media to share our knowledge with others. Media has been available in many forms; newspapers, radio, television, word-of-mouth, no matter the format, how information is spread and recorded is constantly changing. How the human species learns is by sharing information they have learned with others as efficiently as possible. The internet is a giant database filled with information we recorded to be accessed by anyone who searches for it. For example, I often use wikipedia for quick questions I have all of the time. Everyone relies on the internet for information because that’s where all of it is stored. This tool is essential to our lives because it has evolved with us to aid us in communicating facts with one another. We have evolved to use the tools we have to our