military could see that. “On June 8 and imperial conference adopted The Fundamental Policy to be Followed Henceforth in the Conduct of the War”. This policy meant that the Japanese pledged to “prosecute the war to the bitter end, in order to uphold the national polity, protect the imperial land and accomplish the objectives for which we went to war” (Maddox). This policy, this pledge meant nothing other than what it said. Leaving President Truman in a tough situation. This policy meant that the Japanese were going to fight and die fighting. They were going to continue this war until they had gotten what they wanted to, until they had gotten what they had entered this war for. Japan's unwillingness to surrender was one of the reasons President Truman was forced to use the
military could see that. “On June 8 and imperial conference adopted The Fundamental Policy to be Followed Henceforth in the Conduct of the War”. This policy meant that the Japanese pledged to “prosecute the war to the bitter end, in order to uphold the national polity, protect the imperial land and accomplish the objectives for which we went to war” (Maddox). This policy, this pledge meant nothing other than what it said. Leaving President Truman in a tough situation. This policy meant that the Japanese were going to fight and die fighting. They were going to continue this war until they had gotten what they wanted to, until they had gotten what they had entered this war for. Japan's unwillingness to surrender was one of the reasons President Truman was forced to use the