MLA Citation
Abeles, Vicki. "Is the Drive for Success Making Our Children Sick?" The New York Times. The New York Times, 02 Jan. 2016. Web. 31 Jan. 2016.
This article is titled Is the Drive for Success Making Our Children Sick, by Vicki Abeles. Abeles wrote this article in response to the large amount of stress placed on the today's students and the negative effects of their health and well being. Abeles provides an example from, Dr. Stuart Slavin, who is a pediatrician and professor at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. Slavin “[uncovered] alarming rates of anxiety and depression among his medical student,” (Abeles). Slavin switched to a pass/fail system, gave his students a half day off periodically, and created small …show more content…
“This resulted in “the students' rates of depression and anxiety dropped considerably,” along with higher exam scores. (Abeles). Slavin also surveyed two-thirds of Irvington High School students in Fremont, California and concluded that 54 percent of students had symptoms of depression and 80 percent suffered from symptoms of anxiety. 'This is so far beyond what you would typically see in an adolescent population' as Slavin expressed his concerns to the school's faculty before the fall semester. Abeles then moves on to point out that the school's “drive for success is eroding children's health and undermining their potential” and “making them sick” (Abeles). She contributes their decline in health and success to the lack of sleep they get at night and the stress that drives them in into depression. Long-term childhood stress is linked to higher risk of adult depression, anxiety, and bad physical health. Not just the older students experience stress and pressure to succeed, the five, six, and seven year-olds are coming into school stressed. Finally, Abeles moves