Student Name: YAO Naijia
Student Number: 53965690
Session: S61
For this report, please do not exceed two pages including this page.
1. Describe differences in the workflows of the IVR systems (the old one) as well as the MSP systems (the new one) at Maybelline.
In IVR systems,
Reps need to do complete paper-based surveys to collect data.
Reps translate data collected into answers to the IVR system by pressing telephone keys.
The system consolidates information and delivers it to top management as hard copy and
In MSP systems,
Reps complete data collection by handheld, pen-based PDAs instead of paper-based surveys. reps enter their reports by handwriting at clients’ sites
Data can automatically be uploaded to the database at headquarters.
2. What were the benefits of the new MSP systems by replacing the old IVR systems?
I think the main benefits of the new MSP systems are as follows.
It saves time and labor of reps.
With the old systems, reps have to do paper-based surveys which means they have to take a lot of time recording data. It is of low efficiency and inconvenient. The new system solves this problem by using handheld, pen based systems. MSP systems allow reps to enter data without papers. This method not only saves the time of reps by 30 to 40 minutes per day but also saves papers.
The new systems provide efficiency and high flexibility.
New systems address the problem of delays of the report delivery in IVR systems. In the old system, reports were frequently not on time which results in the delay of reports. The new systems allow district managers to contact reps instantly and that extremely improves the efficiency.
New systems provide high flexibility. In old systems, reps have to press appropriate keys to answer lots of questions in which most of questions may not relevant. That will bring about the error rate of information and a waste of time. New systems provide the feature of error checking and validation