VoIP is becoming more popular in today’s world. What is VoIP? What can VoIP do for a business? VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, which is a phone service that uses broadband internet connectivity to dial. A VoIP phone service provider can help businesses save thousands of dollars per month on a phone bill. Companies that offer VoIP are competing hard against one another to try and bring the customers the best plans available. VoIP was originally intended to displace the public switched telephone network. Baltimore Sun is a newspaper company that I researched online. This newspaper company needs to have the best communication system possible in order to function at its best. The case study shows how VoIP will help and benefit the business and how much money the company would be saving by using VoIP. The company had a low budget to begin with and could not afford to install the CAT 5E cables that are needed for this type of phone system. The company started out using the Cat 3 cables that were previously installed in the building. After six months the company converted to a new phone system with the old wiring. So the company talked to an electrical wiring company and had them replace the old wiring with the new ones. After installing this new phone system, the company started noticing the savings. By adding the new phone system and replacing the old wires with the new one, the company’s budget improved drastically. In my opinion, the new phone system was a must for this company in order to save money. There are many reasons to why a company would want to use VoIP. A VoIP will increase the reliability of a new phone system. The new phone system will offer a clear and reliable connection which will increase the speed of the operations that are being performed. Most companies are looking for ways to save money; by using VoIP they can accomplish that goal. Overall, I believe that some companies will definitely
References: Paulson, L. (2002). VoIP Case Study #2: Building From Scratch. Retrieved November 15, 2009 from Enterprise Networking Planet: http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netos/article.php/958001