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Wan Design
In this scenario I will be providing information associated with the creation of a WAN for ACME Manufacturing. This business has several locations spread out all over America and requires a WAN to connect their locations in America with their newly build plant in China. With the headquarters and engineering offices in Atlanta, which are right across the street from each other, the plan would make sense to connect all communication here. There are also distribution offices in New York, Chicago, and Phoenix which will have to be connected to this network to attend the weekly company meetings and have access to information stored at headquarters. For the headquarters and engineering offices in Atlanta a LAN setup with routers and Ethernet wires will be introduced. This choice is based on higher speeds for the network as well as a significant reduction in cost. For the offices in New York, Chicago, and Phoenix a Satellite link will be added to ensure communication with the network located at the headquarters in Atlanta. A satellite link will be made available to China as well to ensure that all locations have access to the main headquarters. Having all offices linked to a central location will allow interactions to be achieved for orders, manufacturing, communication, and other correspondence. This will allow the information and communication to be delivered at a higher standard than other means. Because we will be connecting all of the locations to a central location in Atlanta we will be using a Star Topology. A Star Topology will allow every office a direct link to headquarters and will centralize the network management making it easier for an administrator to monitor. I have listed an example diagram of the Star Topology Below:
With this Star Topology and the vast distances that would have to be reached