Galaxy Systems is an Information Technology Based Service Provider situated in Mannar. We provide New Computers, Accessories and Technical Service (OS Installation, Web Designing and Hosting, Troubleshooting, Software Development and Networking) to local small businesses, schools and home computer users.
From the very first day, we will offer on-site repair and consulting services, so that our clients don't need to take time out of their busy days to haul a computer in to our workshop. Much of our diagnostic equipment is portable, and we will remove a PC to our workshop only when the problem requires more detailed diagnosis or repair. We will also offer free pick-up and delivery of PCs needing repair. We will also offer extended maintenance contracts, so that business clients can deal with technical support and repair needs as a single line-item expense, rather than having to plan for unexpected crashes and problems with a rainy-day fund they may never use. Maintenance contracts yield a high gross margin for us, and provide peace of mind for the customer. As PC Repair and the client demands grow, we will offer software development to our business clients … .
We will offer limited software support (installation and compatibility issues), and focus on hardware and networking support - this is a vital distinction, since software is evolving much more rapidly than hardware, and our clients will have such diverse software needs that we couldn't possibly keep up with all of them. We will encourage clients to register their software and use the software's own support options to their full potential. We will, however, keep up to date with multiple operating systems and networking developments, working with clients to make sure they have the most appropriate combinations of hardware, OS, networking, backup systems, and software. Backup and security are becoming higher