First, The more we get to know somebody, the best we can evaluate them. For instance, Don’t judge a book by its cover. we can’t tell a book by just looking the front cover and the title whether it is good or bad. we have to read certain parts or chapters of it to tell or recommend to someone to read it. As well as it is the same as a book when we come to people we can’t judge them by first look we have get to know for some time. the person we met first mightn't be in a good mood or there are persons who don’t express themselves in first time and there are some people who are shy and some who aren’t shy or confidence. so in order to judge people we have to have some time to know them well. And have to give them our attention. Finally in order to jump to the next we have to think first.
They say first impression is everything. I have been through a lot of experience throughout my life so i don’t believe that first impression is everything. when we met new person first time we have some sort of