Is it cruel to keep animals in cages? Yes it is!
Try to imagine your whole life confined to a cage no bigger than yourself. This is where you live and this is your home forever. There is no room to move, run or play. It is like a prison. This is how many animals live.
Egg laying hens are typically jammed into caged filled sheds by the hundreds of thousands. Their cages are so tiny they can’t even spread their wings. Virtually unable to move, these animals can’t perch, nest or dust bath.
Breading pigs and veal calves are stuffed into cramped individual cages barely larger than their bodies. They can’t walk or turn around. Crated calves are tethered by the neck, and pigs in severe confinement bite the metal bars of their crates. These animals can barely move for months on end.
We wouldn’t force our pets to live in filthy, cramped cages for their whole lives, and we shouldn’t force farm animals to endure such misery, either. All animals, including those raised for food, deserve protection from this abuse.
Circuses severely exploit and abuse animals and are actually able to fool people into thinking that performing animals are an acceptable form of entertainment. In fact, it is pure torture for the animals. The acts that they are forced to perform are unnatural and demeaning. Circus animals spend most of their lives transported on trucks and most circuses travel thousands of miles every year. The only time these animals get to be outside of their cages is to rehearse or perform. If they are lucky they get to spend time in an exercise cage.
As a result of not having a lot of money, circus operations will frequently not give their animals enough water or food, clean their cages properly or give them adequate medical care. Elephants spend most of their day being chained by a front or a hind leg, barely able to move. To make the circus animals perform their tricks, often brutal training