Internet Technology
Specially designed for
Sixth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Students
These notes are prepared for student’s personal use.
Any commercial use of this material is strictly prohibited.
Guide to solution code
|Sr. No. |Chapter |
|Starting with: | |
|001 |TCP / IP (Transmission Control / Internet protocol) |
|101 |ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) |
|201 |RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) |
|301 |RIP (Routing Information Protocol) |
|401 |OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) Protocol |
|501 |BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) |
|601 |Socket Programming (using TCP and UDP socket) |
|701 |RMI (Remote Method Invocation) |
|801 |CORBA |
|901 |Wireless LAN |
| |