2) Sardinia : a) Sardinia had a great interest in the unification of Italy. * Many Sardinians were ethnically Italian. * Count Camillo Benso di Cavour wished to free Italy of foreign domination and bring about political transformation on the peninsula (nationalist). b) Cavour. * Became PM in 1852. * One of his goals was to strengthen Sicily. * Publicized Italian problem at Paris peace conference for Crimean War. c) Sardinia was the only nation to gain a diplomatic advantage from the Crimean war-European nations supported Sardinia against Austria.
3) France : a) Four years after the Crimean War, Sardinia succeeded in forming an alliance with Louis Napoleon of France. b) France had interest in central Italian states. c) Plombières Alliance - July 20,1858. * Secret agreement between Cavour and Louis Napoleon at a spa. * Napoleon promised to join war to drive Austria out of Italy, as long as it could be justified in the eyes of diplomacy. * Reorganized as confederation of four states :- Upper, central, Papal, Two Sicilies. * Nice and Savoy were given to France. * Sardinia needed only provoke a war with Austria.