About IBON International Our MissionCapacity development of peoples’ movements around the world for human rights and democracy.Strategic Objectives | 1 | To provide capacity development interventions promoting alternative systems, social structures, economic programs and development paradigms to peoples’ movements and civil society organizations that work with them. | | | | 2 | To develop centers of capacity development in two ways. In the global south, centers that are locally led and adapts intervention to context. In the north, centers that advance the issues of the marginalized, build solidarity for issues of the south and provide development education to the people of the north. | | | | 3 | To build strategic working relationships among civil society, government and donor actors on the basis of principled partnership. | | | |
IBON initiates and implements international programs, develops and hosts international networks, initiates and participates in international advocacy campaigns, and establishes regional and country offices. IBON strengthens links between local campaigns and advocacies to international initiatives. At the national and sub-national levels, IBON brings development issues from the international arena in a way that peoples’ organizations and social movements can engage with them. At the regional and international levels, IBON organizes and co-sponsors parallel and alternative civil society events that engage with those sponsored by governments and international organizations. The main objective of