In a utopian scenario, inter-professionalism should reciprocate efficiency in service delivery for service users. However in practice, inherent constraints left unresolved can construe to hinder rather enhance the safeguarding of clients welfare. Service users are experts on their own needs, Smale et al (1993), and they expect and judge the quality of health and social care services they receive in terms of whether they “help them achieve the outcome they aspire to, and whether these services are delivered in ways which empower rather than disempower them.” Davies et al (2005, 195). Realising these expectations is a factor not only of the user-staff ideologies and value bases but of the model (medical or social) and theories developed by service users Oliver, (1996, p. 31-33). While service users expect staff in joined up working to assist them to address both their medical and social needs, due to multifaceted constraints, partnership working is not readily able to deliver since it can be “tense and conflictual; a place of strife where members compete for territory and vie for recognition. Davies et al (2005, p. 158). Experience show that holistically the result can be compromised service delivery.
To critically evaluate how inter-professional partnership impacts on service delivery, this discourse will start with an attempt to resolve the polarisation in its conceptualisation. The background will trace the evolution of the ideology from a theoretical, policy and practice perspective. The body of the discourse will first analyse those factors that impact on effective partnership; power relationship, empowerment, communication, power relationship and value differentials. Next, will be a critical examination on how the social, legal and political structures in Britain have been
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