James Patterson should be included in an anthology because he has mastered the art of description and plot. He’s capable of creating lives in his books like no other author from past or present. He has created a fictional world inside of his Alex Cross series, where many fans of his like to live. With each new book he can fill a mind with unbelievable detail and imagery. A small two book series, nicknamed the “bird books”, blew away many critics. With this mini-series he ventures into biotechnology and the worlds in its view on longevity. He’s known for venturing off the normal path of writing. He goes where many authors don’t, into religion, romance/humor/history, and a woman’s murder club. A few examples are Letters for Nicholas, The Jester, Cradle and All, and the “number books”(1st to die, 3rd degree). Patterson has been affected by many things in his life. The greatest thing was most likely his involvement in the company J. Walter Thompson, an advertising company. After his wife died in 1984, he focused all his energy into the company. Four years later he became CEO, then in 1990 he became chairman, and in 1994 he became the World-wide Creative Director (Author & Artists, page 209). He has said working for the company opened up his mind to bigger ideas in his books. It’s what helps him write the masterpieces we see today. Patterson’s main influence in the action/mystery genre is the Alex Cross series, but three other books stand out too. Besides the Alex Cross series, his other major bestsellers are “The Thomas Berryman Number”, “When the Wind Blows”, and “The Lake House”. His first novel “The Thomas Berryman Number” won an Edgar award in 1977. It was critiqued as a wonderful change from the normal thriller, written with a faultless ear for real speech and an accurate eye for real people. Even now, it is still said that “the plot is subtle and provocative, the characters are complex and
Cited: 1. Author & Artists volume 25, contemporary author encyclopedia (no author), pages 209-213, Copyright 2004 2. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/0446600458/ref=cm_rev_sort/104-1297017-7468716?customer-reviews.sort_by=byExactRating_5&me=ATVPDKIKX0DER&x=10&y=12, 2005, A reader 3. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/0446607657/ref=cm_rev_next/104-1297017-7468716?%5Fencoding=UTF8&customer-reviews.sort%5Fby=byExactRating%5F5&n=283155&customer-reviews.start=11&me=ATVPDKIKX0DER, 2005, Locke, Josephine Anna (1st review down) 4. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/0316603287/ref=cm_rev_sort/104-1297017-7468716?customer-reviews.sort_by=byExactRating_5&x=11&y=5, 2005, Ufowriter (2nd review down)