“In the early 20th century, some churches in the U.S. would hang a pinewood slab on the door with a comb hanging from a string. A person could enter only if his or her skin was lighter than the pinewood and if they could run the comb through their hair without it snagging.” (http://facts.randomhistory.com/facts-about-race.html. Gosset, Thomas F. 1997. Race: The History of an Idea in America. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, May 13, 2012.) Racism and prejudice has been present in almost every society throughout history. Today we live in a multicultural society, which means a nation is made out of several cultural groups, with different cultures. And why was there racial hatred between people from other cultures and why does it still exists? Racism is prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief. In the past and in the present, racism is a main factor in the battles that have involved countries, The Civil War, The Spanish-American War, and how can we forget the racism that followed after the bombing of the World Trade Center? As a matter of fact, 9/11 (September 11, 2001) was one of the most horrible incidents that caused by prejudice and racism of people. How can we forget the slavery of Africans? Slavery is still not illegal in one place around the world, but it’s not that severe like it was in the past centuries. I think Most of the people have understood that we can’t measure people by their colour of the skin, their religion and their ethnic group. I personally believe that racism has changed over time. The reasons why I think that it has changed overtime: the Universal declaration of human rights, the Canadian charter of right and freedoms and the war crimes tribunal.
The idea of the Holocaust is almost too hard to believe. It shocks me that a group of people could just decide to kill lots of people just because they didn't like them. The Nazis seemed to think that the Jews