There was a banking crisis in early 1927 following the 1923 Tokyo earthquake, which led to the bankruptcy of many small and medium-sized banks, which consequently resulted in the concentration of financial control in the hands of the bigger banks. Similarly, small industries were outcompeted by the larger ones. As a response to these crises, Prime Minister Tanaka increased military spending to intensify economic exploitation of Japan’s colonies. These measures had little effect in solving Japan’s domestic economic problems. The Great Depression that had a disastrous impact on Japan’s economy aggravated the situation during the period 1929-1937. 1930-1931, Japan was plunged in the Showa Depression that was characterized by deflation and economic decline. The period from 1932 to 1936 was marked by economic recovery under Takahashi characterized by growth and moderate
There was a banking crisis in early 1927 following the 1923 Tokyo earthquake, which led to the bankruptcy of many small and medium-sized banks, which consequently resulted in the concentration of financial control in the hands of the bigger banks. Similarly, small industries were outcompeted by the larger ones. As a response to these crises, Prime Minister Tanaka increased military spending to intensify economic exploitation of Japan’s colonies. These measures had little effect in solving Japan’s domestic economic problems. The Great Depression that had a disastrous impact on Japan’s economy aggravated the situation during the period 1929-1937. 1930-1931, Japan was plunged in the Showa Depression that was characterized by deflation and economic decline. The period from 1932 to 1936 was marked by economic recovery under Takahashi characterized by growth and moderate