The first aspect that makes Reitman’s movie intriguing was the genuine acting. Nick serves as the vice-president of the Academy of Tobacco Studies, using the skills of a debater to win over his arguments. He always has a smile on his face that makes someone wonder if he is happy or just gloating. Nick faces many …show more content…
Reitman’s entertaining skills keep the satirical jabs on a regular, but not too overwhelming. The most intriguing act of satire in this film is the weekly meetings of the MOD squad (the initials stand for Merchants of Death.) Besides Nick, there is Polly Bailey (Maria Bello) who is the spokeswoman for alcohol, and Bobby Jay Bliss (David Koechner) the spokesman for gun use. The three are proud of their public misdeeds and even joke around about it. During a slight argument between the three, Nick compares to how many people he kills a day campaigning cigarette versus how many they kill by campaigning guns and alcohol. I feel like this is irony. Nick says it as if he’s killing them with his bare hands. In reality, Reitman uses this act of satire to make the scene more intriguing and forces the viewers to use their imagination and comprehend the underlying meanings of it. I enjoyed the satire and laughed a lot, even though the jokes are sometimes bitter because there is a definite connection to our