Jay Rhee
University of Phoenix
Jay's Personal Strengths and Weaknesses There are a number of strengths which I possess that contribute positively in my work environment, in my personal life, and in my Learning Team. There are also a number of weaknesses which need improvement. The strengths are excellent memorization skill, ability to understand computers, anger management, and physical strength. The weaknesses are organization, time management, procrastination, and lack of confidence. My memorization skill has helped me with many things. In my business, I meet many customers daily. Some customers are regulars. Many customers tell me their names. Many people like it when I remember their name. …show more content…
I am very good at understanding both the hardware side of computers and software side of computers. There are different types of machines which I consider to be computers. Most people think that a computer is a PC or a Mac. Credit card machines, POS machines, ATM machines, and weight scales are also computers. Some machines have a simplistic program and some machines have an advanced program. Nevertheless, all of these machines are considered to be computers. I maintain these types of machines including PC's and Macs. I am able to control my anger well. I do not blow up at people when they annoy me. For instance, I love my personal space. When someone invades my personal space, I get annoyed. I do not get angry and yell at them. Instead, I tell them in a calm manner to please avoid invading my private space. The last and final strength is my physical strength. I can lift heavy items and I rarely get sick. Since I own a private business, I do not get the privilege of calling in sick. I am also blessed with physical strength. This attribute helps me in my family business. My family owns a supermarket. Therefore, sometimes I have to help out with the stock work. I must be able to move things …show more content…
I am horrible at time management. It is very hard for me to be punctual. Since my time management is horrible, I tend to make excuses for my tardiness. This leads to my third weakness, procrastination, which I believe correlates to time management. Poor time management makes me procrastinate. Therefore, all plans get pushed back and sometimes I am not able to meet the deadline. I plan on starting a daily planner to improve this weakness. A daily planner will provide me a way to control my time usage and prevent me from procrastinating. My fourth weakness is lacking the patience to listen to people. There is much that can be learned from other people because they can see things about me that I cannot see. Many times, I believe that I know it all, but it that is not true I plan on improving this by trying to open my mind, telling myself that I am not perfect and that I do not know everything. My final weakness is lack of confidence. My lack of confidence has made me lose job interviews in the past. Due to this weakness, I missed opportunities of meeting girls. I have already initiated a plan to gain some self-confidence by trying to finish my college education. This is the start and will not be the end. Hopefully, finishing college will help me gain my