Jealousy can be seen as people being aggressive and paranoid but the source of It is the fear of loss.There is a love in which we feel for a person and we don’t want to lose it.Jealousy may appear as being possessive but it’s more as not wanting to suffer losing someone else.Jealousy is seen as making sure that your relationship remains strong.Yet,jealousy only arises in the state of a weakening relationship or the other person feels that they are taken for granted.Jealousy can be a danger,but it’s really just a warning.It becomes a danger when ignored,treated as being possessive or abusive. …show more content…
“In one study, about 75% of people said that they tried to make their partner jealous at one time or another.” Jealousy at a small degree can let your partner see how much you value them. The value of a relationship cannot be seen if you have not seen any obstacles which have weakened or taking away the relationship. In relationships the feeling and which refers feel for the person can be debased over a period of time and should always revived in order to build upon the relationship. In life appreciation of someone or something doesn't come along until the bitter moment of knowing that you could lose