Jean Anyon in the source “From Social Class and The Hidden Curriculum of Work,” tries to explain first class education is only made obtainable to kids in a wealthier class. In her piece, Anyon claims “…knowledge and skills leading to social power and regard are made available to the advantage social groups but are withheld from the working classes...” She also makes an assertion that because schools in the wealthier areas are better behaved they get a better education. For example Anyon implies this when she says, “…students in different social class backgrounds are rewarded for classroom behavior.” She does not make it direct but as you read her essay on the matter it proves to be what she is suggesting. Her analysis and argument
is not valid for the simple fact that she has not taken the time to show how her ideas work with her evidence. She is simply speaking on how she feels not facts! She says herself, “This article offers tentative empirical support…” You can perceive Anyon’s nonfactual statements when she uses the word “typical”. What may be typical to her may not be typical to someone else. She explains to the reader what certain job is “typical in the working class” but she does not speak on a survey that was taken or any statics. If you do not know who is in what social class then how do you properly decide if one class is being educated better than the other. This tells us if her statements are not factual as to who’s included to what social class then this throws off her whole argument.
Anyon efforts to describe how children in the working class do not receive proper education by giving examples, but she failed to back them up. In the ninth paragraph Anyon states, “Several weeks later, after a test a group of children ‘still don’t get it’ and she made no attempt to explain…” Then she goes on saying, “Rather, she went over steps with them again.” At first Anyon tells the reader that the teacher did not go over the test she then goes back on her word and tells us she does. This displays her lack of evidence I her essay and also her lack of knowledge in the situation. We can infer by the error she made that the observations she has collected may be incorrect.
Anyon does this again when she is speaking about middle class schools. She tells the readers, “…there is little attempt to analyze how or why things happen.” She goes on to tell the readers that the teachers do not attempt to really help the students. Then later on in the paragraph speaking on the teachers she says, “She gives several ways and says, ‘I want you to make sure you understand what you are doing so you can get it right.’” Anyon tells us two different assumptions about the same teacher and does this a lot throughout her essay.
It is reasonable to assume that schools in wealthy areas can afford more than schools in a working class area, but does that really affect the education the student receives? Are children really “withheld” from proper education? It is realistic to say the answers to both those questions are false! Education is free in the United States. If you feel like one school is better than the other you have the right to move your child to that school. Your children are not being “withheld.” Everybody has an opportunity to receive a first class education. Jean Anion’s “From Social Class and The Hidden Curriculum of Work” is insufficient in evidence and her argument is invalid anyone can receive any education.