In the story, Jeffrey was described as a person who seemed inviting and friendly, but in reality was not. One of his victims, Traci, shows this very clearly. On page five, it states“‘I was in the mall when Jeffrey Dahmer showed up and asked if I wanted to have a party,’ Traci said, exhaling a cloud of smoke. ‘We all knew him from around the neighborhood. There was no way to guess he was a maniac. He was just an ordinary guy. …show more content…
What characteristics did he share with other serial killers? In the story, it shows that he is unable to control his impulses. It is shown that he basically completely possessed the other person. This is shown on page nine. “‘It was all so quick, he was experienced, and he had practice. It was all in one motion. I had the beer in my hand, and I'm talking about fish, and in an eyelash - boom! - the handcuff was on my wrist. And the tip of the blade was stuck in me. I looked down and I could see through my shirt. I was bleeding.’ Traci caressed the bandage under his t-shirt. ‘Then his eyes changed,’ Traci said. ‘Maybe the sight of red blood did it.’” This sudden movement proves the fact that Jeffrey’s impulses could not be controlled. In addition to this, another piece of evidence is on page eight. “‘He said, ‘If you don't do what I say, I'm going to kill you.’ He said, ‘I've done this before. Don't make a move because I can kill you,’ he snapped his fingers, ‘just like that!’’” The fact that he has done this same exact thing before shows that he could not control his actions. Any sane person, after almost killing someone, would try to stop immediately instead of continuing with his dangerous acts. In all, his personality is very sudden, controlled, and yet unexpected. He may seem like a nice person, but in reality is a murderous