Some things that I learned about Jehovah’s Witnesses is that, in their religion Jesus actually started ruling God’s kingdom in Heaven on October 1st 1914. On this exact date the one mile oval Bowie Race Track was opened for horse racing in Maryland. I also learned that only a select few Witnesses go to Heaven, other Witnesses enjoy
a paradise earth for eternity. They do not believe hell exists, but that hell is a myth made up by satan to scare witnesses from Jevovah.
If I where to give the gospel to a Jevovah’s Witness I would wait until I saw them at my own door step. Once I open the door the usually refuse to leave so that would be the perfect time to drown the in the gospel. I would have to be careful not to ofend them or straight out tell them that their practice is contorted. During my sharing of them gospel I would try my hardest to stay away from the tender topic of the value of the trinity. After speaking with them I would be very sure to include the fact that Jesus will not reject a believer from heaven. In you have accepted Jesus you won’t be rejected into heaven.