Jesse Jackson was born in 1941 in Greenville, South Carolina. Born to Helen Burns, an unwed teenaged mother - who was herself the child of an unwed teenaged mother; Jackson's childhood was marked by feelings of isolation and difference. He was teased for not having a father by school mates and neighbors. His biological father, married, Noah Robinson, was one of Greenville's most prosperous black citizens, while Jackson, along with his mother and grandmother, lived in relative poverty. His mother and grandmother were great support. Jackson took the name of his stepfather, Charles H. Jackson, a postal worker, upon being adopted by him in 1957. Jesse grew into a promising athlete and scholar during his high school years. Despite the material and emotional deprivations of Jackson's early life, one of his friends told biographer Marshall Frady, "Not only does Jesse believe in God, but Jesse …show more content…
King before him, became interested in civil rights struggles around the world. He traveled to Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria. He met Egyptian President Answar Sadat, Syrian President Hafez al Assad, and Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat. Although he didn't accomplish much in getting Arab-Israeli peace, his personal friendship with Syrian leader Assad proved to be helpful later in the Mid-East peace process.
Jesse Jackson first ran for The Democratic Nomination in 1984. Although he didn't win he put up an impressive total of 450 delegates, way more than Shirley Chisholm in 1972. At The Democratic National Convention, Jackson said, "This is not a perfect party. We are not perfect people. Yet we are called to a perfect mission: our mission to feed the hungry; to clothe the naked; to house the homeless; to teach the illiterate; to provide jobs for the jobless; and to choose the human race over the nuclear race." Jesse Jackson believes the government should spend more money on people than on weapons for