Islam Report
Jesus in Islam Chapter 13 opens up by saying that according to the Koran, the Jesus in the Bible and the prophet Muhammad are the same type of people religiously and all serve to worship the same God. The author of chapter 13, Mustansir Mir goes on to say “As is well known, in Islam, Jesus, while not considered God, is regarded as one of the greatest of the prophets” (pg. 116). The Islamic faith recognizes Jesus Christ as a human being because then builds a bridge between the two religions. Jesus ultimately serves as the unifying bridge between the two religions, covering up all the confusion and misinterpretations about Christianity. “The Qur’an speaks of Jesus as a member of a group of prophets that includes Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Job, Jonah, and others” (pg. 117). Muslims acknowledge the fact that Jesus comes from the same lineage of the group of prophets listed above, therefore it wouldn’t make sense to put him on a pedestal above the rest. All of these prophets, in Islam, are equal in status; none is greater than the other. The Qur’an gives a define distinction about Jesus. “Jesus, while he possessed, like every other prophet, a certain special status, was, in principle, not an exception to the prophetical paradigm. Jesus vocational identity with other prophets implies that Jesus presented the same essential message that was presented by many prophets of Israel before him and by Muhammad after him” (pg. 117). Once again it’s important that we reiterate the fact that Jesus was no extra-ordinary prophet. The chapter later goes on in great detail and explanation on exactly why they think Jesus was just an ordinary human being. “The word ‘abd, which means “creature,” “servant,” or “slave,” is used in the Qur’an for Jesus: Jesus was and ‘abd of God…” (pg. 120). This mean Jesus was different because he became a prophet and wasn’t anointed from birth. Since Jesus was a prophet, he was able to receive the knowledge