James Eugene Carrey is a Canadian American born in Ontario, Canada. His mother was a homemaker and his father was a musician and accountant. He has three older siblings and was raised in a Roman Catholic school. His mother was of French, Irish, and Scottish. His father was of French Canadian origin. When James father lost his job James said “that 's when everything fell apart. We went from 'lower middle class ' to 'poor '. We were living out of a van. I quit school at age 15 to begin working to help support my family as a janitor. I 'd have a baseball bat on my janitor cart because I was so angry I just wanted to beat the heck out of something.”
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his family moved to Scarborough, Ontario, he attended Blessed Trinity Catholic School, in North York, for two years, enrolled at Agincourt Collegiate Institute for another year, then briefly attended North view Heights Secondary School. Jim never finished high school because he worked full-time to help his family survive the severe economic hardship, and also helped care for his mother who battled a severe, chronic illness. James Eugene Carrey as the youngest sibling was raised in a nuclear family as his parents were together throughout his childhood. You could also say that he was born into a dysfunctional family; this is because he dropped out of school which lead him to having no education whatsoever and having to stay at home to look after family members with severe illnesses.
If I had to relate James Eugene Carrey’s upbringing to a theorist I would think that
P1 – Intellectual, Emotional, social and physical development.
As a one year old Jim Carrey’s social development would be communicating with others through simple speech and saying a few words such as ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘mummy’ or ‘daddy’. He would enjoy being handled and cuddled by people he is familiar with and would fear strangers. Jim would know gestures such as waving goodbye and playing simple games such as peek-a-boo. As a one year old, responding to different tones with his main carer would demonstrate his social development.
Between the ages of 1-2 years old, expressing negative feelings would be part of Jim Carrey’s social development, as well as imitating adult behaviour whilst playing and playing by himself and imitating his own play. He also would recognize himself in pictures or the mirror and smile or pull faces at himself.
Social development for Jim Carrey at 2-3 years old would involve him showing awareness of his gender identity. He could indicate his toileting needs between these ages and display aggressive feelings and behaviour. He would be defensive towards his possessions and assertive about preferences and say no to adult requests.
At 4-7 years old Jims character would be quite self critical and desires perfection. He may have quite low self confidence during these ages and will worry more than he used to. Jim complains a lot between four to seven years old as well as having strong emotional reactions. He will be wise in understanding the difference between right and wrong. He is able to take directions well and needs punishment rarely. He can avoid and withdraw from adults usually; he will feel guilt and shame more.
At 20-24 years old Jim will feel comfortable around his parents and has become self-reliant as well as being able to make own decisions. He can integrate both emotional and physical intimacy in a relationship. Jim during these ages at some point has developed a clear sexual identity.
Between the ages 25-50, Jim Carrey may have started his own life by getting married and having children. He would be supportive of his children and be full of advice to give to them. He may also encourage them with school work and friendship groups.
At 50-75 Jim may find he has settled down a lot more and lacks interest in going out with his friends as he is too old and can’t do the activities he would usually do in the past. He may spend more time with his family and have family dinners as a way of spending time and bonding with them.
For Jim Carrey’s physical development, as a one year old he would use a fork and spoon whilst he eats and be able to drink from a cup without spilling the contents. Standing on tiptoes is a physical skill he would develop as a one year old. He would also be able to turn pages, door knobs, sort shapes in a shape sorter on a daily basis. Jim would also enjoy scribbling with a pen or crayon as any one year old would.
At 1-2 years old Jim wouldn’t need any assistance when he walked, though he will have his feet wide apart and arms up to balance. He would be able to move from sitting to standing by using his hands to push himself up. Pushing a wheeled toy in front of him would be a hobby. Jim Carrey could pick up small objects, push buttons, and pull toys backwards when he walked as part of his physical development. Running in a direction with accuracy and stopping when needed to as well as walking down the stairs whilst holding onto the banister with both feet on each step would also be included in his physical development at 1-2 years old.
At 2-3 years old Jim Carrey would know how to dress as well as undress himself without any support. If he had a cold or snotty nose he could wipe his nose without any help. His ability would have improved so that when needed to he could calm himself down. He could wash and dry his hands without help and could climb on and of play equipment. At this age he would pay attention to safety instructions but would not always obey and could throw a ball in the direction he intended to.
At 4-7 years old for Jim Carrey’s physical development, his appearance may look different as well as him looking thinner. He may look thinner because during these ages of 4-7 years old his size will increase, but his fat accumulation is staying relatively the same. His nutrition intake and genetics are big factors between these ages. He will be able to dress himself easily, draw with meaning and detail. He will also be able to ride a bicycle, hop, as well as being capable of throwing, kicking and controlling a ball.
Whist Jim Carrey is physically developing between the ages 20-24, he may notice his eye sight is getting poor. He may find that glasses could be the solution to this issue for when he is involved in activities like reading or driving. Back pains may occur between these ages as Jim Carrey is an actor and does a lot of productive activities or role playing.
At 25-50 Jim Carrey may get addictions that could harm and affect his body. If he is abusing drugs and alcohol, this could damage his organs and liver as well as causing severe problems. As he reaches his late 40s his metabolism could slow down and he could be a lot less active than he was during his earlier years.
At 50-75 Jim will notice wrinkles have appeared and his skin is not as healthy looking as it was.
If Jim Carrey had been smoking then his teeth would be yellow and weak at these ages, he may even have false teeth. He may also find his height is decreasing and he is shrinking between these ages due to a hunch back from how he used to sit or walk.
Jim Carrey’s intellectual and emotional development as a one year old would involve him having temper tantrums. He would enjoy playing with others and would have cried at times when the playing stopped. Jim would have developed a sense of security at this age and would have become more expressive with his face and body. At one years old Jim Carrey would have shown pleasure when family adults are nearby, which shows his sense of security and that he is comfortable with them. He would have expressed and acted on impulses.
Between the ages 1-2 years old, as a young toddler Jim Carrey would have been fond of exploring, but would also be curious. He would be able to name common objects and use one word sentences such as “No”, “Go” or “Bye-Bye.” Jim would genuinely be in a happy mood and would be learning trust. As well as beginning to enjoy simple songs and rhymes Jim would have needed the warmth security and attention of a special adult involved in his intellectual and emotional …show more content…
At the ages 2-3 in Jim’s intellectual and emotional development when he spoke 75-80% of his speech would have been understandable, even though he would stumble over words at times.
He would enjoy repeating words and sounds and listen attentively to short stories most of the time. Jim would understand “Now”, “Soon” and “Later” and would be able to stack 5-7 blocks as well as enjoying playing with clay or play dough. Drawing a circle and a square would also be involved in Jim Carrey’s intellectual development.
Between ages 4-7 for Jim’s emotional and intellectual development, he is able to read and enjoy books. He will start to understand and be aware of rules and will be frightened of fictitious things such as monsters. Emotionally between these ages Jim will worry about not being liked by others.
At 20-24 Jim will have a better sense of himself as well and his emotions will become much more stable. He will have pride in his work and has great concern for others. He is able to deal and cope with all different types of stress. Jim will also think seriously about his purpose of
At 25-50 Jim Carrey will be confident in opening up to people and will be able to handle as well as resolve his problems maturely. Jim will understand that that some of his close friends may have started a family as well as got married, which will influence him to do the same and plan for his future.
At 50-75 Jim may envy other around him that are young and active. He may envy younger people because they are doing things that he was once able to do but aren’t capable of doing now. His jealous emotions could make him angry and stressed in not being capable of the past activities he used to once participate in, which could lead in to depression.
Coeliac disease would be a predisposition factor in genetic development for Jim Carrey. The symptoms of the disease would involve weight loss, joint pains, hair loss, respiratory problems and osteoporosis. If Jim Carrey’s mum had a drinking problem or drank a lot on a regular basis could have meant that Jim would be born with Foetal alcohol syndrome. This is where the child has distinct facial features. This could include the following: Small and narrow eyes, Jim could have also been born with a small head and would have a smooth area between the nose and the lips, as well as having a thin upper lip. The symptoms include: Epilepsy, Liver damage, kidney and heart defects, height and weight issues, cerebral palsy as well as other muscular problems, a weak immune system, hearing and ear problems, mouth teeth and facial problems, or/and hormonal disorder.
The biological effect on Jim Carrey’s development at three years old from foetal alcohol syndrome could involve crucial symptoms such as heart defects, which can cause you to have heart attacks. Behavioural problems, such as hyperactivity and lastly, another symptom you could get from foetal alcohol syndrome would be distinctive facial features. Asthma could affect his development between births to 3 years old. Environmental factors causing asthma include air pollution from factories and cars and second hand smoking. Jim Carrey could have the following symptoms: feeling breathless, wheezing, and coughing or a tight chest. Jim Carrey could have asthma if his mum smoked cigarettes whilst pregnant.
If Jim Carrey’s mum had brittle bone disease, this could be passed down to Jim Carrey. If Jim Carrey were to have brittle bone disease he would have to be treated with surgery in order to stabilize his bones. Jim would find it not as easy to walk with the disease and would be weak due to the brittle bones. Symptoms of brittle may include: Deafness, impaired growth and/or excessive sweating or intolerance to heat.
Two examples of theories of ageing are the disengagement theory and the activity theory. The disengagement theory argues that as people get to their elderly stage, they start to disengage in their social roles they once participated in because they realize they are going to die in future.
The activity theory suggests that as people age, they start to lose their identity they had in work or family life. The activity theory also suggests that people that continue to participate in activities and interact socially are said to live longer and be healthier.
References: www.wholechildleon.org http://girlinterrupted-childcare.blogspot.co.uk www.onetoughjob.org www.dshs.wa.gov www.raisingchildren.net www.nnncc.orghttp://www.afirstlook.com/edition_7/theory_resources/Uncertainty_Reduction_Theory.co.uk http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/parents/157?task=view