History 121-304
Svetlana Jovanov
Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc was one of the most influential and historical females of the 15th century. At the time of Joan of Arc’s birth, France was involved in a long-running war with England known as the Hundred Years’ War. Her journey through this war eventually led France to an astonishing victory over England. But it wasn’t she alone who helped her through this but God himself. She claims at an early age to have heard a Saint of God inform her of her destiny to “drive out the English from France and bring about the coronation of Charles VII to the throne.” (Thurston 1910) Months had passed until finally her visions came into place. She had made alliances with Jean de Metz and Bertrand de Poulengy …show more content…
Charles VII and his procession finally entered Reims and was crowned King of France of July 18, 1429. After his coronation, Joan of Arc continued her passionate leadership of the French army but it wasn’t until May 23, 1430 when the young 18-year-old was captured by the English. She feared the worst under the hands of an enemy, and it truly was just that which had brought her journey to a close. She was kept over a year in captivity but was eventually brought to trial where she was ordered to answer to seventy charges against her, including witchcraft and heresy. The Burgundians were aiming to get rid of the young leader and discredit Charles VII, who owed his coronation to Joan. Unfortunately her fate was sealed morning of May 30, 1431, she was taken to Rouen and burned at the stake.
Joan of Arc was truly a remarkable woman with all of the trials she experienced in her journey to fulfill God’s demands. It wasn’t until 1452 when King Charles VII retained his crown and ordered an investigation which declared Joan of Arc innocent of all charges. She was later canonized as a saint in the 1920s and is currently a patron saint of France.
Primary Source:
Thurston, Herbert. 1910. "Legendary Heroines: The Diary Accounts of Four Courageous Women." St. Joan of Arc. October 1. URL to Website: https://sites.google.com/site/legandaryheroines/joan-of-arc.
Secondary Source:
Editors, Biography.com. 2014. Joan of Arc Biography. URL to Website: