1. Selected definitions of organisationalculture 2
1.1. Deal and Kennedy’s definition 2
1.2. Schein’s definition 3
1.3. Scholz’s definition 4
2. A brief review of Harrison’s and Handy’s cultural model 6
3. Apply Harrison’s and Handy’s cultural model in analyzing the culture of Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company (Vinamilk) 8
3.1. An overview of Vinamilk history 8
3.2. Cultural context at Vinamilk 8
1. Figure 1. Deal and Kennedy’s typology 2
2. Figure 2. Schein’s three levels of culture 3
3. Figure 3. The evolution-induced dimension 4
4. Figure 4. The internal-induced dimension 4
5. Figure 5. Illustration of the power culture model 5
6. Figure 6. Illustration of the role culture model 5
7. Figure 7. Illustration of the task culture model 6
8. Figure 8. Illustration of the person culture model 6
From the last few decades of the 20th century until now, several forms of organisation have been widely-researched. It is extensively recognised that each of organization types has different cultural attributes. Numerous studies in this field reveal the impact of organisational culture on the performance and efficiency of an organization.
Which organisational cultural model is suitable to fit the fast-changing world economic situation has long been a contentious issue. Regardless of how controversial it may be, there is no accurate answer as culture is hard to define precisely. Hence, this assignment does not aim to produce the response for the above question, but instead offers several definitions of organisational culture and a study to illustrate the application of cultural model chosen at Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company.
Selected definitions of organizational culture
Deal and Kennedy’s definition
According to the concept of Deal and Kennedy (1982)
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