Institut for Ledelse Kandidatafhandling
Arbejdsglæde og loyalitet i Airsquad - En afdeling af Girlsquad ApS
Handelshøjskolen i Århus, Århus Universitet August 2009
En stor tak skal lyde til vores tålmodige vejleder Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson for hendes villighed til at komme med konstruktiv kritik i løbet af processen. Det samme gør sig gældende i forhold til de allerede dimitterede merkonomer Mie Aasted og Sara Hinge, som forfatterne med fornøjelse har lært at kende på overbygningen. Specielt i opgaveforløbets afsluttende fase har Mie og Sara fungeret som inspiratorer. Slutteligt ønsker begge forfattere at takke deres respektive familier, herunder specielt deres forældre for imponerende opbakning, specielt i de perioder hvor vejen mod afhandlingens sidste punktum har føltes lang og bakket.
Executive Summary
This thesis took inspiration from the authors’ jobs as superior managers of AirSquad that is a division of the Danish company GirlSquad ApS. During their employment with AirSquad, the authors have constantly faced the challenge of low commitment and retention among the AirSquad promoters. The low commitment and retention among the AirSquad promoters are considered to be the main problems with regards to AirSquad’s success, as the promoters’ level of commitment is the most important quality criteria seen from the perspective of Heinemann that is a large German company running Tax Free shops all around Europe. Heinemann has chosen to externalize the staffing of promotion activities within these Tax Free shops with AirSquad being the supplier of promotion staff in Copenhagen Airport. Therefore, the AirSquad promoters’ level of commitment is crucial to AirSquad’s possibilities of building a long term co-operation with Heinemann. In addition to this, the AirSquad