acres of land. Around the town he was known as a great, blunt, upright, and an honest man. Proctor was a well loved and respect man,but as a human he had sins and flaws. His major weakness was his lust for Abigail,has led him into intercourse with her. Proctor lacks the ability to forgive himself from committing adultery, as Rev. Hale had asked Elizabeth “Do you know your commandments, Elizabeth?” (856) Elizabeth had then said “ I surely do. There be no mark of blame upon my life, Mr. Hale. i am a covenanted Christian women.”(856) After Rev. Hale had asked Proctor to recite The Commandments,he was capable to recite all but one, he had missed the one he had sinned against himself “Thou Shalt not commit adultery”. Proctor had felt pained in his heart, he knew he was guilty of cheating, but was just not ready to admit it to the courts. Therefore Proctor ended his affair with Abigail, but Abigail did not give up on her love for Proctor. Proctor quoted to Abigail “ I will cut off my hand before I’ll ever reach for you again”.(839) This had angered Abigail sending her on a mission to get Elizabeth put in prison and sentenced death. Proctor knew a women like Elizabeth could be put to death for something she is innocent for, Elizabeth was a honest, loving, christian women. He had then took his step, and confessed to the court about his affair with Abigail, Proctor had quoted in the court room “I have known her, sir. I have known her.” (873) Proctor had then ruined his name in the town, He is being sent to prison, and he did it all to protect his wife. In conclusion Proctor had stood to his beliefs but, because of that he was condemned on Gallows Hill. Abigail had done what it took to get Elizabeth out to be with John, but Proctor was not going to let Elizabeth die for one of his sins. Proctor was a great man but his affair with Abigail led him to death. Not only was it Proctors affair it was also his beliefs for witch craft that lead him to death. Proctor knew that the only way that he could save the town was to confess about his affair, to many Proctor was known as tragic hero, he saved his wife, but his lust for Abigail brought them apart.
acres of land. Around the town he was known as a great, blunt, upright, and an honest man. Proctor was a well loved and respect man,but as a human he had sins and flaws. His major weakness was his lust for Abigail,has led him into intercourse with her. Proctor lacks the ability to forgive himself from committing adultery, as Rev. Hale had asked Elizabeth “Do you know your commandments, Elizabeth?” (856) Elizabeth had then said “ I surely do. There be no mark of blame upon my life, Mr. Hale. i am a covenanted Christian women.”(856) After Rev. Hale had asked Proctor to recite The Commandments,he was capable to recite all but one, he had missed the one he had sinned against himself “Thou Shalt not commit adultery”. Proctor had felt pained in his heart, he knew he was guilty of cheating, but was just not ready to admit it to the courts. Therefore Proctor ended his affair with Abigail, but Abigail did not give up on her love for Proctor. Proctor quoted to Abigail “ I will cut off my hand before I’ll ever reach for you again”.(839) This had angered Abigail sending her on a mission to get Elizabeth put in prison and sentenced death. Proctor knew a women like Elizabeth could be put to death for something she is innocent for, Elizabeth was a honest, loving, christian women. He had then took his step, and confessed to the court about his affair with Abigail, Proctor had quoted in the court room “I have known her, sir. I have known her.” (873) Proctor had then ruined his name in the town, He is being sent to prison, and he did it all to protect his wife. In conclusion Proctor had stood to his beliefs but, because of that he was condemned on Gallows Hill. Abigail had done what it took to get Elizabeth out to be with John, but Proctor was not going to let Elizabeth die for one of his sins. Proctor was a great man but his affair with Abigail led him to death. Not only was it Proctors affair it was also his beliefs for witch craft that lead him to death. Proctor knew that the only way that he could save the town was to confess about his affair, to many Proctor was known as tragic hero, he saved his wife, but his lust for Abigail brought them apart.