As it turns out, I am studying year 12 classics. I am investigating the differences between the movie “Troy” by Wolfgang Peterson and the epic poem Homer’s Illiad. I had already completed hours of study in my own time and I am simply looking for some information that I may have missed out that may be useful to include in my assessment. I did not expect to find a study website, that seriously expects me to write a 250 word essay for information I don’t really need. Now, I could’ve just copied and pasted “Hey, I am writing a 250 word essay using the same sentence!” heaps of times, but I didn’t, and that is because I have much too much spare time and enjoy taking the micky out of silly website plans that expect me to waste my time over signing up to a stupid study program.
There, I think that I have wasted enough of your time for my document to roughly equal 250 words. So I bid you farewell