Download this document to your computer before filling it out. Each of the responses below should be appropriately filled in and the document saved again before submitting to the Unit 8 Dropbox. Be certain to answer each question completely.
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
• Discuss the digital lifestyle • Compare smartphones to traditional computers • Describe VoIP • Identify the difference between analog and digital data
Course Outcomes
IT190-3: Discuss competiveness and collaboration in a global economy.
Do not forget, whenever you look up information, you need to cite your sources! Please copy and paste the full URL of any website you use in researching your answers to the following questions. If you use your book, please place the page number from your book in parentheses next to the answer.
Unit 8 Assignment Requirements:
1. The digital lifestyle has substantially changed the way in which we live our lives and the way in which we do business. Technology is used worldwide. Businesses are able to sell to customers on the other side of the globe. The World Wide Web Consortium, along with other groups, is working to make the internet available to everyone regardless of “hardware, software, network infrastructure, native language, culture, geographical location, or physical or mental ability.” Write an essay of no fewer than 250 words to answer the following questions:
1. List at least three effects IT has had on globalization. Remember to define globalization in your response!
2. Explain at least 2 examples that relate to each of the effects of globalization that you discussed in response to the preceding question.
3. Remember to cite your sources! You should use no fewer than three sources in your response! Remember, your response must be written as an essay. Do not just answer the questions separately!
Some things that you might want to consider in your discussion