Ageing is not necessarily a burden, and it does not necessarily decrease a person's ability to contribute to society: older people can make valuable and important contributions to society, and enjoy a high quality of life. But this depends on treating ageing as an opportunity rather than a burden, and taking a so-called 'assets-based approach'.
Only by concentrating on what people can do, rather than what they cannot, can strategies and political decisions be taken which help create the right conditions to promote healthy behaviours amongst older people and provide the necessary opportunities for regular physical activity, healthy diets, fulfilling social relations, participation in meaningful activities and financial security.
By showcasing practical examples of health promotion interventions, identifying initiatives in the European Union, and making available key resources about healthy ageing, we hope that builds awareness of the steps required to make healthy ageing a reality, and helps contribute towards a successful European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity Between Generations.
EuroHealthNet is keen to develop partnerships with those who are interested in evidence-based health promotion policy and practice to achieve healthy ageing for all - please contact us if this applies to you.
1.3.b. Minaker KL. Common clinical sequelae of aging. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 24.
1. “Healthy ageing is
Below are a list of links to organisations and companies relevant to the nursing home and healthcare sectors. Please click on a link to visit their website.
Statutory Bodies
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