Nibert argues about the treatment of domesticated animals on factory farms. Many campaigns, legislations, and ballots have made people switch over to a safe and friendly way of obtaining our food. This strategy called the new welfarism promotes continued oppression of domesecrated and the underlying global injustices and dangers that accompany it (Nibert 259). The welfarism reflects the historical pattern of elites consuming our “meat.” The more affluent consume our chemical free, “humanely” produced “meat,” while the majority consumes the cheap toll that the animal industrial complex profitably can produce. There is not enough land to “free range” the amount of individuals necessary for the growing, socially created need for the domesecrated animal products. All of this can cause the scarcity of water, oil, global warming, diseases, and etc (Nibert 261). In Kenya for example, where ten of thousands are poison have been poisoned, or raised by ranchers who ordered the murder. Facing the reality, not the least of which is violence and exploitation against the growing number of domesecrated animals, is to practice and promote global veganism. Affordable plant based food is all around the world, criticism of people who have no motive to exploiting show be redirected…