Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was born in Brewer, Maine on September 8, 1828. Chamberlain was the oldest sibling out of five, Thomas Chamberlain, Horace Beriah Chamberlain, John Chamberlain, Sarah Barstow Chamberlain. His parents were Joshua and Sarah Chamberlain. Chamberlain before going to college would work in a brickyard. He would teach in 1846. Joshua would then go to college and study Greek, Latin, Rhetoric at Bowdoin College. He would graduate in 1852. Chamberlain would then go
to Bangor Theological seminary for three years and would graduate in 1855. Chamberlain would marry Frances Adams.. “Chamberlain and his new wife, Fannie, returned to Bowdoin to begin a career as a professor of languages and rhetoric”( Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain). Chamberlain would have five children only two would make it to adulthood. The war weighed heavily upon chamberlain, because he wanted to serve his country and how he opposed slavery. Chamberlain would join the army 1862 to serve in the union. Chamberlain would fight in the battle at Fredericksburg in 1862, December 11 to the 15th of December Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was a colonel of the 20th Maine Regiment for the Union Army. Chamberlain joined the Army even though he was a professor of languages and rhetoric as he wanted to support the Union and his belief of no slavery. The reason the 20th of Maine trusted him was because of his physical courage. Chamberlain also had great speaking skills which his men responded to. His men also trusted in him because of his great intelligence. “Chamberlain portrayed exceptional physical courage and presence of mind throughout his service in the Union Army” (Weart). Chamberlain also showed great leadership qualities that even though wounded in the hip, he kept going and gave his men courage to continue.
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain also showed great courage and success in Gettysburg by holding “The Hook”. Chamberlain held the Confederates back as long as he could with the supplies that he had and pushed the Confederates back. Once out of supplies and at the Confederates last push Chamberlain had a bayonet charge down Little Round Top. This held the k and the Confederates were not able to gain the high ground at Little Round Top.