What do you think makes a good performance?
Communicate with the audience, be in time with your band members, communicate with you band members
Where do you think the performance should be held?
[ x ] Outside [ ] Inside
What is your favourite genre of music?
Rock, pop, metal rock, blues and RNB
What day of the week do you think that the show should be held?
[ ] Monday – Friday [ x ] Weekend
What time do you think the performance should start?
[ ] 12:00 – 15:00 [ x ] 15:00 – 18:00 [ ] 18:00 – 20:00
How long do you think the performance should be?
[ x ] 30 Mins – 1 Hour [ ] 1 Hour – 1 Hour 30 Mins [ ] 1 Hour 30 Mins – 2 Hours [ ] 2 Hours +
How many acts / performers do you think should perform?
[ ] 1 – 5 [ ] 5 – 10 [ x ] 10 – 15 [ ] 15 +
What type of performer would you like to see?
[ ] Soloists [ x ] Groups [ ] Both
How would you like the seating during the show?
[ ] Sitting on Round Tables in Groups [ x ] Sitting in Rows
Would you like there to be an interval within the show? If so, how long into the show would you like it?
Yes, after 15 - 20 minutes
How long would you like the interval to be?
5 - 10 minutes
What type of refreshments would you like during the show and interval?
Bottle water and soft drinks
Would you want food during the interval and show? If so, what type of food would you like?
Yes, crisps, chips and