Course/Year & Section: BSBA(MGT) 3-C
Reaction Paper
“LEVEL UP JPMAPERS: The Saga for i.r.i.s.e Continues’’ 2nd General Membership Meeting On the said seminar/meeting many topics were tackled ;such as Book Smart is NOT Enough,Entrepreneurial Mindset and Tax Awareness.Because of that I was able to expand my knowledge and clear up all the ambiguities in my mind.The discussions were so smooth, it was associated with fun,not too serious but its great.Here’s what I learned:
Book Smart is NOT Enough of Mr.Vicente I really agree and believe with this topic,nowadays some teacher/ Kilayko student believes that in studying memorization is a must.But for me and as said in the discussion “Memorization and being booksmart is nothing without comprehension and the person’s ability”.
Entrepreneurial Mindset of Prof. Guillermo de Leon
This topic is related with the first topic,it was about the behaviors(confidence and innovative) or mindset that one must have specially when he is in the field of business.
Tax Awareness of Prof. Raymond Abrea
This portion explained why taxes are collected and where it is spent by the government.This discussion, I think,opened the minds and helped everyone in that seminar to have a better understanding on what tax is and its importance.
Aside from listening to the discussions we also had to opportunity to have fun when some JPMAPERS went on the stage to dance and show-off their talents.I consider this seminar as a once in a lifetime experience.With this experience I said to myself that I want to continue to be a part of this organization and I need to be a