Not only does political partys influence the vote, they support there judges with huge campian finances that plays a huge role to get commercial as well as the advertising they need to win there judicial selection. This is also a problem because it takes alot of money in partisan elections to run your campiag, if you have a political party's support. By not having a political party you are more likely to drop out of the race due to the finiancial demands being to high. Buckley v Valeo where the case tried to put a limit on how much a political party and voter could spend on a canadiate, but the case was struck down. The only part that was upheld was limiting the size of a campians or individuals contributions. TheJudicial Campaign Fairness Act of 1995 kept lawyers and law firms from donating large sums of money to judicial campaigns then setting limits on most of there
Not only does political partys influence the vote, they support there judges with huge campian finances that plays a huge role to get commercial as well as the advertising they need to win there judicial selection. This is also a problem because it takes alot of money in partisan elections to run your campiag, if you have a political party's support. By not having a political party you are more likely to drop out of the race due to the finiancial demands being to high. Buckley v Valeo where the case tried to put a limit on how much a political party and voter could spend on a canadiate, but the case was struck down. The only part that was upheld was limiting the size of a campians or individuals contributions. TheJudicial Campaign Fairness Act of 1995 kept lawyers and law firms from donating large sums of money to judicial campaigns then setting limits on most of there