The reality television series I am Jazz has boomed in popularity since its premiere in 2015 and follows the story of Jazz Jennings, a young transgender female. Noted to have one of the youngest cases of diagnosed gender dysphoria, Jazz began showing signs of nonconforming traits as early as age 2. The show is not only able to advocate for the transgender community, but also represent the same ideals that Butler discussed over 20 years earlier.
The show spends significant amount of time discussing what it means to be transgender. In one instance, Jazz’s brothers have to explain to someone they considered a friend that Jazz did not choose to be transgender as birth. Instead, they explain Jazz was born anatomically male, but identifies and performs as a female. As Butler described in depth, Jazz’s anatomical gender does not determine her gender identity or gender performativity. While …show more content…
Butler discusses this in depth, and suggests that “true gender identity is a fantasy instituted and inscribed on the surface of bodies, then it seems that genders can be neither true nor false.” While society often minimizes gender into one of two categories, Butler explains that people perform gender, and that gender can be thought of a circular concept, not solely two options. Throughout the show, Jazz associates with distinctly feminine characteristics, such as an interest in makeup and dating boys, but it is important to remember that, as Butler states, this is not the only