Read source 1, lifesaving with class, by Rory Stamp, from the RNLI magazine, the lifeboat.
Question 1:- What do you learn about the beach article about the beach to city programme run by the RNLI?
From the article we learn that that the beach to city programme is run by the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute) and also that they do good work as a charity which very little I known about them in some places. Their aim is to ‘educate children about the dangers of the seaside and how to stay away from trouble.’ They teach these skills to primary school children because it is said that they are highlighted as a ‘higher risk group’ who are most likely to be unaware of what the RNLI are about. The RNLI teach kids about keeping safe in the sun. They advise to ‘slap on a sun hat, slop on sun cream’ and ‘slip on a T-shirt’ to protect themselves from the sun. Furthermore the RNLI aim to make all their lessons memorable as well as enjoyable, they do these things by getting the kids to take part in play-acting and getting grips with equipment. Their sessions also focus on the use of public equipment (PRE), they do this by respecting and using life rings, throwing lines and emergency communication are very important to them in particular. The advice the PRE give is also aimed towards school children in London. They managed to visit 30 schools there. In the Future the RNLI education team aim to add a fourth city to the beach tour and plan to continue their work as well as adding more for the coming years.
Now read source 2, the article and the picture which goes with it is called, Trapped Chilean miners: rescue drill reaches their refuge at last by David Batty.
Question 2:- Explain how the headline and picture are effective and how they link to the text.
Straight away we see the image of the clown because of its amazing range of colours in its outfit the affectivity of the bright coloured clown in the image is because it draws the readers in