Terrorism isn't anything new to the United States, from The Sons of Liberty in the 1800s to al-Qaeda of the new millennium; it has been a part of our history. Two of the more notable attacks have been within the last few decades. February 26th, 1993 a man drove a Hyatt Regency rental van onto the second floor of the World Trade Center. Fifteen minutes later a shock rumbled the building. A blast instantly crushed three floors and caused numerous deaths. Fortunately, the building stood steadfast, un-deterred by the severe blow. September 11, 2001, four hijacked planes we're set on a collision course with the intent of destruction. One plane hit the pentagon building in Washington D.C., the 2nd plane fell in a field, and the other two crashed into the sky high World Trade Center, causing a complete collapse of both towers. It makes one think what could provoke such utter disregard for human life.
Some wonder how the hijackers prepared for absolute death: to kill themselves and innocent civilians despite the Koran's warnings against suicide and murder. Many believe these terrorists were brain washed, manipulated by sophisticated psychological methods of repetitive readings on select passages of a skewed version of the Koran. These terrorists are cold and calculating in regards to carrying out their plan, relatively indifferent to their victims. For them, the end justifies the means.
These acts of violence threaten the way normal people live their everyday lives. We can not sit back and watch these acts unfold. The President has all the