“There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” the inventor of the first silver plated mirror was Justus Von Liebig, a german chemist. His invention was first created about 200 years ago in germany. The very first mirror dates back to 6000 B.C. in modern day turkey
Justus Von Liebig, created a method of mirror making which involved depositing silver, instead of the previously used lead and mercury, on the rear surface of glass. After 20 years of work and improvements this method of mirror making gained wide acceptance throughout the industry. The method he created is the forbear of the process of ‘mirror silvering’ that we use today.
The evolution of the mirror; People probably first started to look at their reflections in pools of water, streams and rivers which were the first mirrors. The earliest man made mirrors were from polished stone and mirrors made from black volcanic glass obsidian. Some examples of this kind of mirrors have been found in Turkey dating back at least 6000 years. …show more content…
The mirror was also used for interior decoration in castles, churches anywhere. They were also used in telescopes and microscopes. His early inspiration for chemistry may have been traced to his father’s profession as a dealer in chemical supplies, or maybe a peddler selling toy torpedoes powered by fulminates
The invention of the mirror wa a success because it is was such a good invention it may have taken a while for the industry to accept but overall it was a good invention. Another reason that it was a success is because it is still widely used. today nearly every household in America has a mirror, whether it is used for decoration, admiring or anything. Last but not least it was a success because this mirror reflected a crystal clear