morally questionable things. Racism is bad. Refusing to let a quaterback tell his fans not to be racist is on the same level as refusing him the right to tell his fans not to do drugs or not to murder people.
Secondly, free speech is a right of all American citizens.
It's true that sports programs aren't meant to be used as forums, but really, is saying something on television any worse than staging a protest in a public space or placing a poster in your local coffee shop? Also, once again, saying that Americans should strive to not be racist isn't swaying anyone to do anything remotley bad. Imagine you see the players and the end of a football game on television, and while an interviewer is talking to a quaterback, the quaterback looks at the camera and says "Don't do drugs". It may be a cheesey thing to say, but the only countries where a someone could get legitamatley punished for saying that on a television program are North Karea and Nazi Germany, so why should it be cosidered fair to act like Colin Kaepernick did somehing wrong when he promoted doing something equally objectivley
Finally, we should adress the fact that most arguments against Kaepernick are simply and utterly absolutley false. One of the most common, I kid you not, is that, while athletes protests may seem docile at first, they will grow into violent ones. To anyone who has recieved any education ever, this is obiously a classic example of a slipery slope argument that is far from valid. Others claim that Colin Kaepernick interuppted the ball game, but how can that be true if his silent, non-violent, non-active protest caused a delay of literally no seconds, and was staged far before the game anyway? Simply put, the only reason anyone would care if a football player did not stand for the national anthem for the sake of instilling equality is if they themsleves are racist.
From youths to seniors, a huge amount of people could be changed for the better by athletes speaking their mind. There's no reason the right to free speech should be striped from someone simply because they are on TV. The only people who hate what Kaepernick did hate it because they hate minorities equally. If Colin Kaepernick wants to kneal, than he should by all means be able to kneal, darn it!