Katherine Bourzac, in her article “A Smarter Prosthetic for the Eye” (2012), explains to readers that new prosthetics for the eye could reverse vision loss in some people with a simple implant. She supports this claim by explaining the technology and how it “combines infrared video-projection goggles with a small, wire-free chip implanted inside the retina” then by stating “[the implants] might restore more vision than other retinal prosthetics being worked on” (1). Bourzac’s purpose is to inform readers about the exciting upcoming technology for people with vision loss in order to show readers that there is a way to get vision back, showing the positive influences of retinal prosthetics on society. She adapts a informative and hopeful …show more content…
Logos- “Typically, the prosthetics require bulky electronics that sit on the eye to supply power, image data, or both to a chip inside the retina. The more hardware that’s installed in the body, the greater the risk to the patient” (1).
Pathos- “People suffering from some forms of blindness, including macular degeneration (the most common cause of blindness among older people), have lost the light-sensing cells in the retina” (1).
These three rhetorical devices work together to support the author’s purpose of showing readers with vision loss that there is a way to get back sight by describing the actual technology as stated by a scientific journal, and showing the logic behind the technology and how it got smaller and smarter due to concerns for the patient. By reaching out to old people, the author touched her audience by describing who she was talking to and what solutions there were for them.
5. Profound Quote
“The devices have yet to be tested in live animals or human patients, but the implants are exciting researchers because they might restore more vision than other retinal prosthetics being worked on”