
Keeping Animals In Captivity Is Wrong

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Keeping Animals In Captivity Is Wrong
I believe that keeping animals in captivity is wrong. Keeping them in cages will cause them to feel isolated, because no matter what, one can’t copy their environment. An animal would have 18,000 times less space in zoos than in the wild. A few feel that it would be educational for us, and safer for them. However, research shows that animals are prepared for what’s out there for them, and it also shows the best way for us to learn is by watching them in their natural habitat. Animals are used for food; they are fattened, and later killed. They are separated from their family, and even when they start their own, they can’t decide what happens to their children. Animals kept in captivity for entertainment are forced to do things they naturally fear.
The first and major reason may be that they are separated from their families. For example, their children could be traded or sold to other zoos. They don’t get to choose what they do with their babies, instead, it depends on humans, who are trying to gain something. Another example would be that they get lonely since they don’t get to choose companions. Animals don’t get to choose their mates, and they don’t get to
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For circuses, for example, is that they are whipped to do something. Animals are hurt, for humans entertainment. Another example is that through all the pain they are putting the animals through, the animals may get uncontrollable. And if so, they might kill the animal, but it’s truly our fault if they get violent. Nevertheless, they are harmed for our safety. The last concept is that we can’t learn from this because they are taught by trainers to do tricks, while the best way to learn is by watching them in their normal territory. Others may believe that their children can benefit and appreciate these acts. However, they cannot learn from this so this isn’t beneficial for either

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